Lead by the Heart


How do I find the time?

I have been asked how I fit in art around working full time and being a mum too 2 children and also being a present partner….

Well it is definitely a juggling act, however…. over the past 6 months I have found some really good little tricks and I will share what works for me… it may not help everyone who wants to squeeze in some “me” time but hopefully something will be of help!

  1. PLAN ahead!!

I create essentially mood boards in my phone to prepare for each project. There is also research that goes into each pairing of Fauna and Flora.

This is all done in what i consider ‘Unallocated’ time. This might be on my short breaks at work, in bed of I cannot sleep, if the kids go play outside with the neighbors I can oversee and drag ideas around on my phone.

I will search for inspiration images on google and within my photography groups and ask permission to use their images, at this point I use multiple photos because I like the freedom of giving each painting its own identity but I have a few in planning stages where they will be based soley on photos from some talented New Zealand photographers which I cannot wait to start. Once I have a few ideas they I create my mood board.


Have your art supplies stored in an easily accessible place and if you like it to be arranges then do so.

I have a desktop easel with storage so all my supplies are in a single container that fits under my bed and is portable so I can move to wherever I feel like creating. It is also organised so that as soon as I open it, I can start… and I know where each thing is.

I custom made my storage rolls for paintbrushes, pencils and watercolour pens because I wanted them to sit nicely in my easel box and also wanted to have them make me smile each time I used them. Each one is made to suit how I use each type which makes it so much easier when I get into the zone.

3. Have a planned time for art

It works in my house that once Miss B is in bed at 8 pm then I will have about 45 minutes where I can paint while my partner does his own thing (often music and I will take my art down to where he is playing and listen).

The other time I try extremely hard to prioritize is atleast once on the weekend to do some art with Miss B, I am not as productive but I beleive it is both greay bonding time but also good for her to observe my process and pick up different skills. She enjoys just talking to me about what she is painting and we often talk about improvement through repetition, it isnt about waking up one day and deciding to be a wizard at painting… all artists have to develop their art, learn new skills and practice to become the best at what they do.

4. Just do it

It may sound to simple and you will roll your eyes at me, but simply putting aside our own internal excuses and just picking up the paintbrush or pencil is often the hardest part – especially the first few times until you create a routine.

We can be our own worst enemy and limit ourselves by our own internal dialog but if we can silence the little voices that are making excuses, telling us it is not a good use of time, a silly dream etc. The joy and satisfaction you will receive by simply letting your artistic side out will be worth it…. I promise… I have been pushing mine to the back burner for years and now I cannot believe it has taken so long for me to commit to something I am passionate about and that has such a positive impact to my mental state!

Finally, I know these are all really simple things and there is one more thing I want to mention…. find your WHY… mine to start was proving something to my daughter, but it was deeper than that… it was to show myself I could do it and also each time I create something I can share information about species I am passionate about, I can look at what I have created and be proud of what I have accomplished and now I paint because I love it and I love sharing my creations with others!

FIND YOUR WHY because it helps to quieten all the little voices finding ither things to fill your time with…..

Colleen 🙂

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